Checked Credit Value is stunningly utilised in credit management. Some of the time it very well may be somewhat confounded as it doesn't generally rise to the all out credit worth of the deals request. The easiest situation, it's the info sum esteem while playing out a reenactment of a credit check for a particular colleague along its credit section. The log of consequences of UKM_BP reproduction and its credit check. Credit risk management solutions
Interaction of credit check
The course of credit check included checked credit esteem is straightforwardly affected by individual actually take a look at step: 010 (Statistical Check of Credit Exposure) which is standard BADI execution 'UKM_CHECK_010' of BADI: 'UKM_CHECK_STEP'. (As well as UKM_CHECK_030 Dynamic Limit Check with Credit Horizon). Those means can be set off during BP reenactment however not the DCD creation handling causes various systems.
Distinction between current responsibility and old responsibility
The Checked Credit Value is the distinction between current responsibility and old responsibility. For BP credit check reproduction, it'll be the info sum esteem which is the delta of old& new commitments.It's been gathered into message '031' utilising the message type 'ukm_check'.And at long last, it very well may be put away as an attribute(UKM_DCD_ATTR-DCD_CHKDRISKAMT) of DCD(Documented Credit Decision) like beneath assuming that credit really take a look at trigger DCD creation or update.
Checked credit esteem as unique
However, when it comes to DCD, the checked credit worth will be dynamic contrast and an unadulterated credit check for a Business accomplice. SAP gives the documentation to Checked Credit Value like beneath:
Actually taken a look at Credit Value
Indicates the worth checked by the framework during the most recent credit check as to the credit risk.
A credit investigator enters another request with a worth of EUR 100. Following the connected credit check, the framework enters the worth 100 in this field.
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